Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Woman Who Did Everything & Nothing All At Once!

Incredible, isn't she? The stay-at-home-mother (or father) who takes her job as the homemaker seriously. Like, super seriously. Like, CEO seriously. She's where Martha Stewart meets Julia Child meets June Cleaver meets Oprah. She's a sweet and powerful woman. She's the woman many of us aspire to be the minute our little bun pops out of the oven and into our arms. Well, I haven't actually met her in person, but she's always in the corner of my mind, pushing me to get out there and tend the weeds. Reminding me to get a healthy dinner on before my baby birds stop their chirping and start their screeching. Nudging me to mind my budget instead of splurging on endless wants. Whispering to take time to feel like a woman, to exercise, to play, to do the million things I want to try and hopefully master before my days in this life are done. I have never met her, but this blog is completely devoted to my attempts to become her.

It's Everything and Nothing, All At Once because anyone who has ever attempted to be a house spouse knows that most days you just go, go, go. Never really stopping, arms full, laundry going, pot boiling, vacuum running, always working on something but somehow at the end of the day it feels like very little progress has been made. Mostly because there are anywhere from 1-19 (depending on the family) little imps undoing or completely destroying any progress you've made. Mais, c'est la vie! Move on to another day!

It may seem like I'm jumping all over the place or that I've got some pretty lofty goals, but it only seems that way because it's true. :) I never said my attempts will be graceful, or even successful, but they will be made.

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